Aeroespacial medicine in the alunizaje cincuentenary
Alfredo Jácome Roca
Research papers
In utero embryo adoption program: a 10 years experience
Ivonne Jeannette Díaz Yamal, Yeisman Pineda Lechuga, Jimmy Castañeda Castañeda,
Fernando Gómez Corredor, Ramón Eduardo Sotolongo León, Jaime Edward Villamil Pérez,
Claudia Patricia Zambrano, Mónica Valencia Arango
“Random walk” method applied to the prediction of deaths from traffic injuries in Florida
Javier Rodríguez, Catalina Correa, Adriana L. Ortiz, Jaime Páez, Jairo Cortés, Yolanda Soracipa, Andrés Ovalle, Esmeralda Guzmán, Alejandro Castiblanco, Juan David Naranjo
Ver: Revista de Medicina: Junta Directiva, Volumen 41 No. 1
Deeper insight papers
General Studies or Liberal Education in Medicine
José Félix Patiño Restrepo
Review papers
Publicaciones biomédicas en Colombia 2008 a 2017: un análisis de Scopus
Biomedical publications in Colombia 2008 to 2017: an analysis of Scopus
Diego Rosselli, Paula Valderrama-Junca, Camila Pantoja-Ruiz
Risks of being an astronauts: heroes of space
Flor de María Muñoz Gallego, María Virginia Pinzón Fernández, Luisa Fernanda Zúñiga Cerón, Luisa Fernanda Mahecha Virgüez, Jhan Sebastián Saavedra-Torres
Letters to the editor
Absence of the description of coracoglenoideo ligament in the books most used
by human medicine students
Alexandra Milagros Poblete Echevarría, Lucía Lucero Coaguila Monterroso
The development of the cultivation of Quinoa
Miguel Ángel García-Parra, Jhan Sebastián Saavedra-Torres, Luisa Fernanda Mahecha Virgüez, María Virginia Pinzón Fernández
History of Medicine
Medical innovations made by colombians or foreigners in Colombia
Hugo Sotomayor Tribín, Paula Jimena Matiz López, Jenny Milena Machetá Rico,
Lina del Mar Moreno, Laura Suárez, Catalina del Mar Sánchez, Stefhany Ramírez,
Natalia Giraldo, Ana Silvia Rodríguez, Juan Diego Rojas, Nelson Ariza, Andrés Herrera,
Julián González, Laura Natalia Rincón, Camille Carrère-Rivera
From The Academy
Recent book
Tropical anemia in Colombia. A historical recount
Autor: Hernando Sarasti Obregón
Alberto Escallón Azcuenaga
Alfredo Jácome Roca
Pablo Alberto Isaza Nieto
Elmer Escobar Cifuentes
Members of the National Academy of Medicine
Members of the Chapters of the National Academy of Medicine
Members of the Regional Academies of Medicine
Scientific Associations and Societies affiliated with the National Academy of Medicine