Resoluciones de la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud que se refieren a la propiedad intelectual.
- 1996 WHA49.14: Revised drug strategy
- 1999 WHA52.19: Revised drug strategy
- 2000 WHA53.14: HIV/AIDS: confronting the epidemic
- 2001 WHA54.10: Scaling up the response to HIV/AIDS
- 2001 WHA54.11: WHO medicines strategy
- 2002 WHA55.14: Ensuring accessibility of essential medicines
- 2003 WHA56.27: Intellectual property rights, innovation and public health
- 2003 WHA56.30: Global health sector strategy for HIV/AIDS
- 2004 WHA57.14: Scaling up treatment and care within a coordinated and comprehensive response to HIV/AIDS
- 2006 WHA59.24: Public health, innovation, essential health research and intellectual property rights: towards a global strategy and plan of action
- 2006 WHA59.26: International trade and health
- 2007 WHA60.30: Public health, innovation and intellectual property
- 2008 WHA61.21: Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property
- 2009 WHA62.16: Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property
- 2011 WHA64.5: Pandemic influenza preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits
- 2011 WHA64.14: Global health sector strategy on HIV/AIDS, 2011-2015
- 2012 WHA65.22: Follow up of the report of the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination
Publicaciones de la OMS sobre Propiedad intelectual y Salud Pública
- WHO Task Force on Health Economics, “The Uruguay round and drugs”, by Correa C.M., WHO/TFHE/97.1, Geneva 1997.
- WHO and Civets “Medicines and the New Economic Environment,” Lobo F., and Velasquez G., eds. Madrid: Civets and World Health Organization, 1998.
- WHO, Health Economics and Drugs, EDM Series No. 7 (Revised)? “Globalization and Access to Drugs: Perspectives on the WTO/TRIPS Agreement”. By Velasquez, G. and Boulez, P., WHO/DAP/98.9, Geneva, 1999. Disponible en:
- WHO Policy perspectives on medicines. No.3 “Globalization, TRPIS and access to pharmaceuticals”, Geneva 2001.
- WHO. “Network for monitoring the impact of globalization and TRIPS on access to medicines.” Meeting Report, Thailand, February 2001. Geneva: WHO, Health Economics and Drugs, EDM Series No. 11, 2002. Disponible en:
- WHO / South Centre, “Protection of Data Submitted for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals. Implementing the Standards of the TRIPS Agreement”, by Correa, C. M. Geneva, 2002.Disponible en:
- WHO / South Centre, “Protection and Promotion of Traditional Medicine. Implications for Public Health in Developing Countries”, by Correa, C. M. Geneva, 2002. Disponible:
- WHO, Health Economics and Drugs, EDM Series No. 12 “Implications of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health.” By Correa, C. M., Geneva: 2002.Disponible en:
- WHO. 25 Questions & Answers on Health and Human Rights. Geneva: WHO, 2002.Disponible en:
- WHO / South Centre “Protection and promotion of traditional medicine, implications for public health in developing countries.” Geneva, 2002.
- WHO/AFRO. “Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the Implementation of TRIPS Safeguards in Relation to Pharmaceuticals in the WHO African Region”. Summary Report of a Workshop, Zimbabwe. August 2001, Brazzaville, WHO: Regional Office for Africa, 2002.
- WHO, Health Economics and Drugs, EDM Series No. 13, 2003. “Cost-containment Mechanisms for Essential Medicines, Including Antiretrovirals, in China.” by Velásquez, G., Correa C. M., and Weissman R., Geneva 2003
- WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. “Report on the Consultative Meeting on TRIPS and Public Health”. Cairo: WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, 2005.
- World Health Organization. Health Economics and Drugs, TCM Series No. 18 “Remuneration Guidelines for Non-Voluntary Use of a Patent on Medical Technologies.” by Love, J. Geneva, 2005.
- OMS, “Informe de la Comisión de derechos de propiedad intelectual, innovación y salud pública. Salud pública, innovación y derechos de propiedad intelectual”. Ginebra, 2006. Disponible:
- WHO / South Centre “The Use of Flexibilities in TRIPS by Developing Countries: Can they Promote Access to Medicines?” by Musungu, S. F. and Oh C. Geneva, 2006.Disponible:
- WHO – ICTSD – UNCTAD “Guidelines for the Examination of Pharmaceutical Patents: Developing a Public Health Perspective”, Working Paper by Correa, C. M., Geneva, 2007. Disponible en:
- WHO/PHI/2009.1 “Guide for the application and granting of compulsory licences and authorization of government use of pharmaceutical patents.” by Correa, C.M., Geneva 2009.
- WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia. “International Health and Trade, a reference guide”, New Delhi, 2009.
- World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean and the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), “Public Health Related TRIPS-Plus Provisions in Bilateral Trade Agreements: A Policy Guide for Negotiations and Implementers in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.” by El Said, Mohammed. Cairo, 2010 Disponible en:
- WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia. “Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines: Papers and Perspectives.” World Health Organization, SEA-TRH, 2010.Disponible:
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77(3): 288-292. “Essential drugs in the new international economic environment.” by Velásquez, G., and Boulet P. Disponible en:
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2001, 79(5): 461-470. “Study of the implications of the WTO TRIPS Agreement for the pharmaceutical industry in Thailand. By Supakankunti, S., et al.”, Geneva, 2001. Disponible en:
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization. “Ownership of knowledge – the role of patents in pharmaceutical R&D.” by Correa, C. M. 2004, 82(10): 784-786.Disponible en
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2004, 82 (11). “Has the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement in Latin America and the Caribbean produced intellectual property legislation that favours public health?” by Costa Chaves, G., Oliveira M. A., Velásquez G., and Zepeda Bermudez J. Disponible en:
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2006, Volume 84(5). “Implications of bilateral free trade agreements on access to medicines”. by Correa, C. M., Geneva 2006. Disponible en:
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization. “Special Theme: Intellectual Property Rights and Public Health”, 2006, 84(5), 337-424.Disponible en:
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2006, 84(5): 360-365. “Managing the effect of TRIPS on availability of priority vaccines.” By Milstien, J., and Kaddar M.,Disponible en:
Abreviaturas y Acrónimos
- ADPIC Acuerdo sobre los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual relacionados con el Comercio
- AFRO Oficina Regional de la OMS para África
- DNDi Iniciativa Medicamentos para Enfermedades Desatendidas
- DPI Derechos de propiedad intelectual
- EMRO Oficina Regional de la OMS para el Mediterráneo Oriental
- EMPA Estrategia Mundial sobre Salud Publica, Innovación y Propiedad Intelectual.
- FCTC Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
- FDA Administración de Medicamentos y Alimentos
- I+D Investigación y desarrollo
- IFPMA Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Fabricantes de Productos Farmacéuticos
- OMC Organización Mundial del Comercio
- OMPI Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual
- OMS Organización Mundial de la Salud
- ONG Organización No Gubernamental
- PAME Programa de Acción sobre Medicamentos Esenciales.
- PNUD Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo
- PPI Protección de la propiedad intelectual
- SEARO Oficina Regional de la OMS para el Sudeste Asiático
- SIDA Síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida
- TLC Tratado de Libre Comercio
- TRM Medicina tradicional
- UE Unión Europea
- UNCTAD Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo
- VIH Virus de inmunodeficiencia adquirida
- WPRO Oficina Regional de la OMS para el Pacífico Occidental