Editorial section
– Scientific journals and research
Silva J.
Clinical experiences
– Cardiac Trauma. Surgical treatment
Ferrada R., Rodríguez A.
– Prognostic factors in esophageal perforation
Morales C.H., Uribe J.A., Gómez F.
Analytical studies
– Trauma of the colon
Meza L.F., Mulett E., Osorio M., Del Río J.A.
– Resuscitation in trauma and major surgery
García A.
– Open Abdomen
Borráez O.A.
– Wound and operative site surveillance program
Domínguez A.M., Vanegas S., Camacho F., Quintero G., Patiño J.F., Escallón J.
Scientific and technical progress
Abaúnza H., Escallón J.
Silva J.
The Colombian Surgical Review is the official Journal of the “Sociedad Colombiana de Cirugía” (Colombian Surgical Society), it is published quarterly. Yearly subscription rate: Col. $90.000.oo. Foreign subscription US$90.oo.
Editorial correspondence should be addressed to: Revista Colombiana de Cirugía, Calle 100 No. 14-63 Of. 502. Phone 257-4560, Fax 611-4776, 257-4501, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia.E-mail: sccirug@colomsat.net.co – Home page: encolombia.com/sccirug- Revista: encolombia.com/rcirugia Editorial coordination: Fundación Cultural Javeriana de Artes Gráficas —JAVEGRAF— Bogotá.
Printed in Colombia.