Conferencia enviada para el Congreso de INTERASMA Colombia 1998

Asma Net, An Asthma Service on the Information Highway, Congreso de INTERASMA Colombia 1998

Interasma: International Association of Asthmology Join now and Enjoy these Benefits Allergy & Clinical Inmunology International, (Six issues per year)

ACI International is unique, It is readable, interesting, colorful, friendly, and presents an entire type of material not available elsewhere. Taking you beyond the information found in primary journals, this magazine regularly publishes engaging averviews of the important subspecialties in your field, occasional unique primary papers, and insights into important political, regulatory, technological, and commercial developments interest to both clinicians and researchers. Includes:

Interasma News
Horizons of the International Association of Allergology and
Clinical Immunology


Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology, (Six issues per year)

The Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology provides an international forum for disseminating information on practical allergology in the from of new findings in basic and clinical immunology. Original research in allergy and immunopathology is published, as well forms of therapy for allergic and immune disorders, new applications of diagnostic methods, clinical experimental studies on the immunopathogenesis of allergic diseases and immune disorders, and new informative case reports. The journal also offers review articles and occasional reports from communittees and societies, including the INTERASMA Newsletter, marking it required reading for anyone working in this field.

Congress Proceedings

INTERASMA members are entitled to receive reduced congress participation fees which include the respective proceedings volume as a benefit. The proceeding book of the XVth World Congress of Asthmology which took place in Montpellier, France, in 1996 is still available for those who may not have had a chance to take part in this extraordinary meeting. 1996/240 pages/hardcover US$58.00/DM 79.00

Upcoming Congresses

October 17-20, 1999. XVth International Congress of Asthma. Asthma: A Link Between. Environment. Inmunology and the Airway. Organized by Prof. Hugo E. Neffen. Annual Membership Fee US$124.00/DM 175.00

The aim of INTERASMA – International Association of Asthmology – is to promote a broadening of knowledge of bronchial asthma and related diseases, especially with regard to their etiology, pathological mechanisms, pathophysiology, therapy, epidemiology, rehabilitation and prevention.


INTERASMA exclusively focuses on asthma, and can therefore concentrate on bridging the gap between academia and the world of clinical practice. The emphasis is on continuing education and on exchange of information between professionals from all over the world who deal with asthma.

Asma Net: An Asthma Service on the Information Highway

Asma Net, An Asthma Service on the Information Highway, Congreso de INTERASMA Colombia 1998

INTERASMA has now created the AsmaNet to develop and broaden the basis of knowledge about asthma by promoting person-to-person contact using moderm of communication.

The AsmaNet will bring chest physicians and allergologists a new way of life. Using the information highway, it provides a simple means of a daily exchange of information about asthma, either on a person-to-person basis (vía E-mail) or with a group of colleagues with similar interests (vía mailing lists). Suscribers can discuss specific clinical issues, ask questions of a group of people, send requests for information to colleagues around the world… the possibilities are virtually unlimited.


To subscribe to the AsthmaNet mailing list, simply send an E-mail to:

with the following text in the *BODY* of your message:
Souscrire Asma-L Your FirstName. YourLastName or
Sobscribe Asma-L YourFirstName. YourLastName

Please allow a day for your request to be processed
To send a message to the mailing list, just address it to:
Asma-L@Paris. Net
The list is moderated

Membership Form
I would like to join INTERASMA – International Association of Asthmology for US$124/DM 175, which includes 1-year subscriptions to
·ACI International & INTERASMA News …….. J Invest Allergology …….. ·Reduced fees for INTERASMA around the world
Private Address_________________________________________ Clinic Hospital Address_________________________
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Card-Nr__________________________________Signature_____________Expiration date____________________________Please send this from to:…………………………….INTERASMA – International Association of Asthmology
c/o Hogrefe & Huber Publishers
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Phone (425) 820-1500 …..Fax (425) 823-8324
Phone (+49 551) 49609-0 Fax (+49 551) 49609-88


  • Alergia alimentos
  • Autoinmunidad
  • Asma Bronquial
  • Aerobiología
  • Alergia piel
  • Trasplantes
  • Alergia himenópteros
  • SIDA
  • Rinitis Alérgica
  • Alergia ocular
  • S. Inmune e infecciones
  • Vacunas
  • Inmunología reproducción
  • Citocinas
  • Inmunidad antitumoral
  • Himenópteros
  • Inmunodeficiencias
  • Anafilaxis

Bucaramanga agosto 13-15 de 1999 Informes:
Dr. Claudio Mebarack
Calle 51 No. 35-28 of 208
Centro Comercial Cabecera
Tel: 6 47 15 82 – 6 57 06 31


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Congreso De Interasma Colombia 1998, Inmunoalergia