Lerma C
Originals articles
Laparoscopic Heller myotomy: a safe procedure
Borráez BA, Patti MG
Gallstone disease, experience at a fourth level of care hospital in Bogotá, Colombia, 2005-2011
Gaitán JA, Martínez VM
Synchronous management of cholecyst choledocholithiasis, is it safe?
Restrepo C, Sierra S, Penagos S, Palacios ÓG, Mendoza MC
Blunt splenic trauma: predictors of failure of nonoperative management
Toro JP, Arango PA, Villegas MI, Morales CH, Echavarría A, Ortiz MM, et al
Evaluation of the Apgar surgical score in predicting postoperative complications and mortality:
prospective analysis at a fourth level of care medical center in Bogotá, Colombia Castro MM, Espitia E, Domínguez LC
Evaluation of attitudes toward professionalism in medical students
Bustamante E, Sanabria A
Subject review articles
Surgical treatment of rectal cancer, bibliographic review
Pedroza A
Idiopathic spontaneous hemoperitoneum
Prieto RG, García VH, Rendón J