How to become a leader?
Petrone P .
Reflection article
Homo Deus, posthumanism and transhumanism
Patiño JF
Original articles
Prognosis factors associated with premature delivery in women undergoing appendectomy during pregnancy in a middle-income country
Arévalo K, Buitrago G, Moyano JS, Caycedo R
Laparoscopic repair of giant hiatal hernia: surgical technique, and clinical, endoscopic and radiological follow-up
Correa J, Morales CH, Toro JP
Análisis multicéntrico del reparo de la hernia ventral en instituciones de IV nivel, 2015-2019
Judith Padilla C, Vega NV, Barrios AJ, Ruiz JP, Lora A
Use of polypropylene meshes in the repair of inguinal hernia with dirty or contaminated wound
Mendoza-Zuchini A, Pedraza-Ciro M, Sánchez-Ussa S, Cabrera LF, Pulido J, Gómez D
Complications and risk factors in patients undergoing retrograde endoscopic retrograde collagiopancreatography in a third level clinic in Medellín from 2014 to 2017
Garcés JS, Mejía PA, Serrano JA, Uribe A, Velásquez A, Agudelo JJ, Moreno M, Arias JH
Clinical and administrative characteristics related to the delay in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with head and neck cancer
López AF, Sanabria ÁE
Follow-up chest x-ray in patients with asymptomatic posttraumatic pneumothorax
Correa-Restrepo J, Restrepo-Moreno M, Peláez LG, Díaz-Cadavid R, López-Vasco Y, Rojas MA, Mejía-Toro DA, Morales-Uribe CH
Use of total body tomography in patients with severe trauma: is it effective and safe to define non-operative management?
Angamarca E, Orlas CP, Herrera-Escobar JP, Rincón E, Guzmán-Rodríguez M, Meléndez JJ, et al
Review articles
Intestinal and peritoneal cystic pneumatosis as a cause of neumoperitoneum. Review of the literature about a case
Arroyave Y, Ruiz G, Meza MM, Muñoz E, Muñoz W
Acute arterial limb ischemia: ¿How to approach it?
Núñez-Rojas G, Lozada-Martinez I, Bolaño-Romero M, Ramírez-Barakat E
Case reports
Hemopericardio por disparo sin lesión cardíaca, descripción de un mecanismo de trauma
da Costa Medeiros BJ, Oliveira Araujo A, Pinheiro Guimarães AD
Surgical treatment of upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to Dieulafoy disease: a case report and literature review
Zamora-Soler1 JÁ, Maturana-Ibáñez V
Spontaneous chyloperitoneum in pregnancy
Burgos JM, Páez DM, Hincapié MA, Fernández PA, Escobar MF
Letter to the editor
The lost years of potential life in Colombia
Rosselli D
The Revista Colombiana de Cirugía is the official Journal of the “Asociación Colombiana de Cirugía” (Colombian Surgical Association); it is published quarterly. Yearly subscription rate: Col. $100.000.oo. Foreign subscription US$100.oo.
Editorial correspondence should be addressed to: Revista Colombiana de Cirugía, Calle 100 No. 14-63 Of. 502. Phones 257 4560 – 257 4574501 – 611 4776, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia.
E-mail: revista.cirugia@ascolcirugia.org; info@ascolcirugia.org; www.revistacirugia.org; www.ascolcirugia.org
Printed in Colombia.