Revista de Cirugía: Contents, Volumen 17 No. 4


In memoriam

Special article


Masters of colombian surgery lecture
González A.

Original article

Surgical experience of the general surgery section of the University of Antioquia – San Vicente de Paul
University Hospital

Sanabria AE., Jaime M., Aristizábal H.


Clinical studies

Diagnostic accuracy of echography in gall-bladder pathology
Bejarano M.

Sphincter preserving anal surgery: abdomino-perineal resection
Puerta JD., Castaño R., Hoyos S.


Endoscopic percutaneous gastrostomy. Evaluation of a new low cost system.
Vélez JP., Becerra LF., Vanegas LF., Vélez H., Muñoz ME., Arias R.

Subject reviews

Palpable breast lesions
González M.

Carotid body paragangliomas
De la Hoz J., Brieva J., González LG., Daza JC.

Case reports

Primary tension-free perineal hernia repair, case presentation
García R., Casanova PA., Fournier HI.

Inflammatory pseudotumor of liver
Valencia F., Salazar O., Cárdenas C., Arango de Samper B.

Letter to the editor
Author’s Index Vol. 17, January – December 2002
Subject Index Vol. 17, January – December 2002
Contents Index Vol. 17, January – December 2002

Surgery is the official Journal of the “Asociación Colombiana de Cirugía” (Colombian Surgical Society), it is published quarterly. Yearly subscription rate: Col. $95.000.oo. Foreign subscription US$90.oo.

Editorial correspondence should be addressed to: Revista Colombiana de Cirugía, Calle 100 No. 14-63 Of. 502. Phone 257-4560, Fax 611-4776, 257-4501, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. – Home page: – Revista:
Editorial coordination: Fundación Cultural Javeriana de Artes Gráficas —JAVEGRAF— Bogotá.


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Revista de Cirugía: Contents, Volumen 17 No. 4