Rabiosa – Shakira ft. Pitbull

Pitbull y Shakira

A continuación podrás encontrar la letra de la canción con su respectivo video para que no dejes de cantar y disfrutar de la buena música.

Shakira ft. Pitbull con “Rabiosa”

If you don’t get enough I’ll make it double
I got my boy now in big, big trouble
You know I want you
Atracao ahí
You’ve got too much of that sex appeal
Don’t play around because I’m for real
You see that road isn’t meant for me
You know I want you amarrao aquí
Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Rabiosa, rabiosa
Closer, come pull me closer
Yo soy rabiosa, rabiosa
Closer, come pull me closer
Rabiosa, if you don’t get enough I’ll make it double

I’m tryin’ to have fun and
I love you but you want me
Atracao (ratata)
You got a lot of sex appeal
Now baby I’m for real
You see that road isn’t meant for me
You know I want you amarrao aquí
Oye mami
Let me get that mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca

Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer

And bite me en la boca
Oye mami
Let me get that mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Rabiosa, rabiosa
Closer, come pull me closer
Yo soy rabiosa, rabiosa
Closer, come pull me closer
Oye mami
Let me get that mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Oye mami
Let me get that mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca

Video Oficial de Rabiosa

Más Canciones de Pitbull

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Rabiosa-shakira Ft. Pitbull, Letras Musicales Y Videos, Música