A continuación podrás encontrar la letra de la canción con su respectivo video para que no dejes de cantar y disfrutar de la buena música. La Roux con su éxito “Bulletproof”.
Been there done that messed around I’m having fun don’t put me down
I’ll never let you sweep me off my feet
I won’t let you in again
The messages I tried to send
My information’s just not going inBurning bridges shore to shore
I break away from something more
I’m not turned on to love
Until it’s cheapBeen there done that messed around
I’m having fun don’t put me down
I’ll never let you sweep me off my feetThis time baby
I’ll be bulletproof
This time baby
I’ll be bulletproofI won’t let you turn around
And tell me now I’m much too proud
To walk away from something when its dead
Do do do your dirty words
Come out to play
When you are hurt?
There’s certain things
That should be left unsaidTick tick tick tick
On the watch
And life’s too short
For me to stop
Oh baby
Your time is running outI won’t let you turn around
And tell me now I’m much too proud
All you do is fill me up with doubtThis time baby
I’ll be bulletproof x5This time I’ll be
This time I’ll be
BulletproofThis time baby
I’ll be bulletproof x4