The first forty years
Abaúnza H
Original articles
Ultrasound diagnostic criteria of malignancy in a thyroid nodule: correlation with fine needle aspiration and pathology
Chala AI, Pava R, Franco HI, Álvarez A, Franco A
Time and risk of rupture in acute appendicitis
Sanabria Á, Domínguez LC, Vega V, Osorio C, Serna A, Bermúdez C
Characterization of communication patterns in the operating room during the performance of procedures at a tertiary level of care hospital
Sánchez C, Rodríguez S, Cruz D, Domínguez LC, Vega V, Hoyos C, Duque JC, Gómez C
Experience with the implementation of the International Trauma Registry System at two tertiary care level hospitals in the Southwestern region of Colombia
O rdóñez CA, Botache WF, Pino LF, Badiel M, Tejada JW, Sanjuán J, Uribe A, González A, Gutiérrez MI, Puyana JC, Abutanos M, Ivatury RR
Review articles
Late conversion of an aortic endograft to open surgery: should the endograft be removed?
Jiménez CE, Correa JR, Burgos R
Delayed presentation of diaphragmatic hernia with gastric necrosis: literature review
Beltrán MA
Paradigm change in the management operative and nonoperative management of hepatic trauma, key strategies for emergency in the year 2012
Valencia C, Torregrosa L, Moreno A
Perioperative management of bariatric surgery patients
Savino P, Zundel N, Carvajal C
The Colombian Journal of Surgery is the official Journal of the “Asociación Colombiana de Cirugía” (Colombian Surgical Association); it is published quarterly. Yearly subscription rate: Col. $100.000.oo. Foreign subscription US$100.oo.
Editorial correspondence should be addressed to: Revista Colombiana de Cirugía, Calle 100 No. 14-63 Of. 502. Phone 257-4560, Fax 611-4776, 257-4501, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia.
E-mail: info@ascolcirugia.org – Sitio en la Red: www.ascolcirugia.org
Editorial coordinador: Fundación Cultural Javeriana de Artes Gráficas —JAVEGRAF— Bogotá.
Printed in Colombia.
Indexed in: SciELO (www.scielo.org.co), LILACS (www.bases.bvsalud.org), IMBIOMED (www.imbiomed.com), PUBLINDEX from Colciencias (www.colciencias.gov.co), Sociedad Iberoamericana de Información Científica (SIIC Data Bases), siicsalud (www.siicsalud.com
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