Genomics: The new horizon in clinical medicine
José Félix Patiño Restrepo, MD, FACS (Hon), MACC (Hon)
Special article
The trauma and emergency surgeon: past, present and future Conferencia Presidencial
Carlos Alberto Ordóñez, MD, FACS
Original articles
Reconstruction of the laryngeal nerve by yhe Horsley technique
Carlos Fuentes, Luis Jorge Morales, Ángela Mojica, Olga Beltrán, William Sánchez
Management of penetrating neck trauma at two hospitals in Bogotá, Colombia
Maikel Adolfo Pacheco, Guillermo Eduardo Aldana, Álvaro Eduardo Granados, Luis Eduardo Martínez, Jimena Santacoloma, Rogers Leonardo Baquero, Margarita María Ramírez
Is the early detection of post-traumatic retained clotted hemothorax possible?
David Alejandro González, María Isabel Villegas, Carlos Hernando Morales, Lord Larry Posada, Oscar Sierra, Karol Guarín
Value of the physical examination in the diagnosis of intra-abdominal lesion in penetrating abdominal stab wounds
Juliana Gómez-Botero, Mónica Restrepo-Jaramillo, Carlos Hernando Morales-Uribe
Non-operative management of abdominal gunshot wounds based on computed tomography
Carlos M. Ocampo, Mónica Restrepo, Carlos H. Morales
Esophagectomy at a South American cancer care center
Bernardo A. Borráez-Segura, Jaime A. Montoya-Botero, Paula A. Meneses, Mario Abadía, Raúl E. Pinilla, Ricardo Oliveros
Reflection article
Tools for the diagnostic approach of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Yenny Fernanda Guzmán, Rocío del Pilar López, Alonso Vera, Deyanira González-Devia
Case presentation
Anti-HLA antibody immunological follow up by the Luminex TM. Is it possible to prevent the acute cell and humoral immune rejection in small bowel transplant?
Gabriel J. Echeverri, Luis Armando Caicedo, Laura S. Thomas, Adriana Villegas, Ana M. Aristizábal, Catalina Gómez, Víctor H. García, María C. Pérez, Ana M. Arrunátegui, Óscar Serrano, Jorge I. Villegas, Diego Jiménez
Controversies in the treatment of Amyand´s hernia
María José Servide-Staffolani, Arkaitz Perfecto-Valero, Jorge Cervera-Aldama, María Fernanda Anduaga-Peña, José María García-González, Alberto Colina-Alonso, Patrizio Petrone
Emergency pancreatoduodenectomy: Whipple or no Whipple, that is the question
Felipe Bernal, Sebastián Sánchez, Mauricio Pedraza, Luis Felipe Cabrera