Settle Down – No Doubt

No Doubt

A continuación podrás encontrar la letra de la canción con su respectivo video para que no dejes de cantar y disfrutar de la buena música. No Doubt con su éxito “Settle Down”.

Get-get-get in line and settle down.
Get-g-Geeeet, in line and settle down.

What’s your 20? (Do you Copy?)
Where’s your brain (Do you copy?)
Take it in to check you out
Concerned about your wherabouts
Copy that (Do you copy?)
You’re acting strange (Do you copy?)
So tell me what is going on
It’s so heavy, I bet

I’m Fine (and nothing’s gonna knock this girl down)
I’m hella positive for real
I’m all good, no
I’m Fine (and nothing’s gonna knock this girl down)
It’s kind of complicated thats for sure.

But you can see it in my eyes
You can read it on my lips
I’m trying to get a hold on this.
And I really mean it this time
And you know its such a trip
Don’t get me started
I’m trying to get a hold on this.

Get-get-get in line and settle down
Get-g-Geeeet, in line and settle down.

No big deal (I can handle it)
It’ll bounce off me (I can handle it)
Been around the block before
Doesn’t matter anymore
Here we go again (Are you kidding me?)
Are you insane? (Are you kidding me?)
Underneath the avalanche
So heavy again

I’m Fine (and nothing’s gonna knock this girl down)
I’m hella positive for real
I’m all good, no
I’m Fine (and nothing’s gonna knock this girl down)
It’s kind of complicated that’s for sure.

But you can see it in my eyes
You can read it on my lips
I’m trying to get a hold on this.
And really mean it this time
And you know its such a trip
Don’t get me started
I’m trying to get a hold on this.

Get-get-get in line and settle down
Get-g-Geeeet, in line and settle down.

I’m a rough and tough
I’m a rough and tough
And nothing’s gonna knock this girl down

I’m a rough and tough
I’m a rough and tough
And nothing’s gonna knock this girl down

I’m a rough and tough
I’m a rough and tough
And nothing’s gonna knock this girl down

But you can see it in my eyes
You can read it on my lips
I’m trying to get a hold on this.
And I really mean it this time
And you know its such a trip
Don’t get me started
I’m trying to get a hold on this.

Get-get-get in line and settle down
Get-g-Geeeet, in line and settle down.
Get-get-get in line and settle down
Get-g-Geeeet, in line and settle down.
Get-get-get in line and settle down
Get-g-Geeeet, in line and settle down.

Video Oficial de Settle Down


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Settle Down - No Doubt, Letras Musicales Y Videos, Canciones