Recertification and professionalism
Marulanda S.
Special article
Gastroesophageal reflux. Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Caro Á.
Subject review
Open or laparoscopic appendectomy?
Morales CH.
Original articles
Endoscopic thyroidectomy
Bernal JA., Herrera A.
Partial anterior fundoplication: systematic review
Hernández JD., Watson A.
Treatment of non palpable breast lesions
Torres F., Romero J., Ucross G., Barrios L.
Ambulatory laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a cost-efficient model of laparoscopic surgery
Moore JH., Rodríguez S., Roa A., Girón M., Sanabria Á., Rodríguez P., Isaza A., García G.
Transumbilical appendectomy. A novel surgical approach
Pestana-Tirado RA., Moreno LR.
The Colombian Journal of Surgery is the official Journal of the “Asociación Colombiana de Cirugía” (Colombian Surgical Society), it is published quarterly. Yearly subscription rate: Col. $100.000.oo. Foreign subscription US$100.oo.
Editorial correspondence should be addressed to: Revista Colombiana de Cirugía, Calle 100 No. 14-63 Of. 502. Phone 257-4560, Fax 611-4776, 257-4501, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia.
E-mail: sccirug@colomsat.net.co – Home page: ascolcirugia.com – Revista: ascolcirugia.com/revista
Editorial coordination: Fundación Cultural Javeriana de Artes Gráficas —JAVEGRAF— Bogotá.
Printed in Colombia. Indexed in LILACS – INBIOMED – COLCIENCIAS