Revista de Cirugía: Contents, Volumen 18 No. 2


Case reports

Unusual complications from lost gallstones spilled during laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Quiroz F., Parra R., Jaramillo A.


Original articles

Utility of predictor factors of choledocholitiasis in patients operated on at Clínica Rafael Uribe Uribe – Cali
Bejarano M.

Pulmonary function after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Lucena J.

Uses of ultrasound in laparoscopic sugery
Arguello P., Muñoz A., Villamizar J., Escobar J., Ospina J., Rey M., Albis R., Oliveros R.


Appendicitis in pregnancy
Gutiérrez J.

Subject reviews

Mastectomy with preservation of skin
Tawil M., Torregrosa L., Espitia E.


Stromal gastric tumors
Dominguez L., Torregrosa L.

Controversy on peritoneal lavage and the use if antibiotics in peritonitis. Systematic review of the literature.
Sanabria Á.

The Colombian Journal of sugery is the official Journal of the “Asociación Colombiana de Cirugía” (Colombian Surgical Society), it is published quarterly. Yearly subscription rate: Col. $95.000.oo. Foreing subscription US$90.oo.

Editorial correspondence should be addressed to: Revista Colombiana de Cirugía, Calle 100 No. 14-63 Of. 502. Phone 257-4560, Fax 611 – 4776, 257 – 4501, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. – Home page: – Revista:
Editorial coordination: Fundación Cultural Javeriana de Artes Gráficas – JAVEGRAF – Bogotá.


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Revista de Cirugía: Contents, Volumen 18 No. 2