Bright Lights – Placebo


A continuación podrás encontrar la letra de la canción con su respectivo video para que no dejes de cantar y disfrutar de la buena música. Placebo con su éxito “Bright Lights”.

Cast your mind back to the days,
When I pretend’ I was OK.
I had so very much to say,
About my crazy livin’.
Now that I’ve stared into the void,
So many people, I’ve annoyed.
I have to find a middle way,
A better way of livin’.

So I haven’t given up,
That all my choices, my good luck…
Appear to go and get me stuck,
In an open prison.
Now I am tryin’ to break free,
In a state of empathy.
Find the true and enemy,
Eradicate this prison.

No-one can take it away from me,
And no-one can tear it apart.
‘Cause a heart that hurts,
Is a heart that works.
A heart that hurts,
Is a heart that works.
(white lights and black holes) x6

A heart that hurts, (white lights and black holes)
Is a heart that works. (white lights and black holes)
No-one can take it away from me, (white lights and black holes)
No-one can tear it apart. (white lights and black holes)
Maybe ‘ an elaborate fantasy, (white lights and black holes)
But it’s the perfect place to start. (white lights and black holes)

‘Cause a heart that hurts,
Is a heart that works.
A heart that hurts,
Is a heart that… works.

Video Oficial de Bright Lights


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Bright Lights De Placebo, Letras Musicales Y Videos, Canciones