Just Yesterday – Britney Spears


A continuación podrás encontrar la letra de la canción con su respectivo video para que no dejes de cantar y disfrutar de la buena música. Britney Spears con su éxito “Just Yesterday”.

Just yesterday
You were looking up to me, and
You’d ask me what I thought.

But now I’m sitting here
All alone with my tears,
Looking at my life that I’ve bought
Where did I go?, yeah.
My eyes, they will show…

Little me, please forgive me,
I could’t see
You’re hurt inside.
Little me, please forgive me,
I couldn’t see
You’re hurt inside.

But now I’m sitting here
You were looking up to me, and
You’d ask me what I thought.
But now I’m sitting here
All alone with my tears,
Looking at my life that I’ve bought

Where did I go?, yeah.
My eyes, they will show…

Little me, please forgive me,
I couldn’t see
You’re hurt inside.
Little me, please forgive me,
I couldn’t see
You’re hurt inside.

Where did I go?, yeah.
My eyes, they will show…
Where did I go?, yeah.
My eyes, they will show…

Little me, please forgive me,
I couldn’t see
You’re hurt inside.
Little me, please forgive me,
I couldn’t see
You’re hurt inside.


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Just Yesterday De Britney Spears, Letras Musicales