Sector Servicios: Colombia – Honduras


Conozca los indicadores del sector servicios entre Colombia y Honduras:

Valor agregado de los servicios (% del PIB)
Fuente: Banco Mundial


Valor agregado de los servicios del PIB Honduras Colombia

Valor agregado de los servicios (US$ constantes 2000)
Fuente: Banco Mundial

Encuesta sobre el uso de correos legales certificados. 📬📥 No le tomará más de 2 minutos ⏰

¿A qué sector pertenece su empresa o actividad principal?*

¿Con qué frecuencia utiliza servicios de correos legales certificados?*

¿Para qué tipo de comunicaciones utiliza los correos legales certificados?*

¿Con qué frecuencia utiliza servicios de correos legales certificados?*

¿Con qué frecuencia utiliza servicios de correos legales certificados?*

Valor agregado de los servicios Honduras Colombia

Computadores, comunicaciones y otros servicios (% de las exportaciones comerciales de servicios) *
Fuente: Banco Mundial

exportaciones comerciales de servicios Honduras Colombia

* Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service exports) include such activities as international telecommunications, and postal and courier services; computer data; news-related service transactions between residents and nonresidents; construction services; royalties and license fees; miscellaneous business, professional, and technical services; and personal, cultural, and recreational services.

Computadores, comunicaciones y otros servicios (% de las importaciones comerciales de servicios) *
Fuente: Banco Mundial


importaciones comerciales de servicios Honduras Colombia

* Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service imports) include such activities as international telecommunications, and postal and courier services; computer data; news-related service transactions between residents and nonresidents; construction services; royalties and license fees; miscellaneous business, professional, and technical services; and personal, cultural, and recreational services.

Servicios de transporte (% de las exportaciones de servicios) *
Fuente: Banco Mundial

Servicios de transporte de las exportaciones de servicios

* Transport services (% of commercial service exports) covers all transport services (sea, air, land, internal waterway, space, and pipeline) performed by residents of one economy for those of another and involving the carriage of passengers, movement of goods (freight), rental of carriers with crew, and related support and auxiliary services. Excluded are freight insurance, which is included in insurance services; goods procured in ports by nonresident carriers and repairs of transport equipment, which are included in goods; repairs of railway facilities, harbors, and airfield facilities, which are included in construction services; and rental of carriers without crew, which is included in other services.

Indicadores sector servicios entre Colombia y Honduras

Servicios de transporte (% de las importaciones de servicios) *
Fuente: Banco Mundial

Servicios de transporte de las importaciones de servicios

* Transport services (% of commercial service imports) covers all transport services (sea, air, land, internal waterway, space, and pipeline) performed by residents of one economy for those of another and involving the carriage of passengers, movement of goods (freight), rental of carriers with crew, and related support and auxiliary services. Excluded are freight insurance, which is included in insurance services; goods procured in ports by nonresident carriers and repairs of transport equipment, which are included in goods; repairs of railway facilities, harbors, and airfield facilities, which are included in construction services; and rental of carriers without crew, which is included in other services.

Servicios de viajes (% de las exportaciones de servicios) *
Fuente: Banco Mundial

Servicios de viajes de las exportaciones de servicios

* Travel services (% of commercial service exports) covers goods and services acquired from an economy by travelers in that economy for their own use during visits of less than one year for business or personal purposes. Travel services include the goods and services consumed by travelers, such as lodging and meals and transport (within the economy visited).

Servicios de viajes (% de las importaciones de servicios) *
Fuente: Banco Mundial

exportaciones comerciales de servicios Honduras Colombia

* Travel services (% of commercial service imports) covers goods and services acquired from an economy by travelers in that economy for their own use during visits of less than one year for business or personal purposes. Travel services include the goods and services consumed by travelers, such as lodging, meals, and transport (within the economy visited).


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Sector Servicios Entre Colombia Y Honduras, Indicador