Revista de Cirugía: Contents, Volumen 35 No. 1

Cirugia General

Revista de Cirugía Contents Volumen 35 Nº 2


COVID-19: Special issue
Bejarano M.

Reflection article

Beyond the pandemic
Prieto RG


Recommendations for the management of urgent surgical patients during the COVID-19 pandemic
Cuevas-López L, Ayala JC, Velásquez-Jiménez OA, Navarro-Alean JA, et al

Review article

COVID-19: topics of interest to the surgeon
Grupo de Médicos Residentes de Cirugía General – Universidad CES, Sierra-Sierra S


Recommendations for surgery in patients with oncological pathologies during the COVID-19 pandemic
Pacheco MA, Torres PA, Arias F, Pinilla R, Abadía M, Ricardo Villarrea R, et al


Recommendations for performing tracheostomies and care for tracheostomized patients in Colombia during the COVID-19 pandemic
Moreno A, Rojas A, Vásconez JN, Silva R

Original article

Percutaneous tracheostomy surgical technique in the patient with COVID-19
Rodríguez F, Serna JJ, García AF, Revelo MX, Bejarano M, Salcedo A, Ordóñez CA

Review articles

Generation of aerosols with particles in surgical scenarios
Cabrera L F, Pedraza M, Torregrosa L, Figueredo E


Surgical masks on the subject of COVID-19: Some technical aspects
Quiroz-Romero F

COVID-19 in Pediatric Surgery
Figueroa-Gutiérrez LM

Digestive endoscopy in an era of COVID-19
Torres PA

SARS-CoV2 infection in patients with solid organ transplant: five important questions
Martin R, Sierra-Ruiz M

Organ Donation and Transplantation in the COVID-19 era: Should programs really stop?
Martin R, Sierra-Ruiz M, Barrera-Lozano LM

Management of the colorectal cancer during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Pinilla-Morales R, Caycedo-Marulanda A, Castro-Beltrán JM, Fuentes-Sandoval MA

Nutritional recommendations for hospitalized patients with severe respiratory infection (SARS) suspected or confirmed by COVID-19
Vásconez-García AE, Moyón-Constante MA

Surgical education in Colombia in the era of COVID–19
Sánchez S, Ariza A

Original article

Adaptation of the residence of General surgery in Colombia to the COVID-19 pandemic: Virtual surgical education program
Cabrera LF, Luna Jaspe C, Pedraza M


General recommendations for Departments of Surgery in Colombia during the COVID-19 pandemic (SARS-CoV-2)
Torregrosa L, Prieto R, Cabrera LF, Ordoñez J, Sánchez E, Rodríguez C, et al

Original articles

Ethical guidelines for the allocation of health resources in the during the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia
Rueda EA, Caballero A, Bernal D, Torregrosa L, Suárez EM, Gempeler FE, Badoui N

Perception of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Departments of Surgery in Colombia
Díaz-Castrillón CE, Cortés N, Rey S, Pineda M, Díaz-Castrillón JF, Sierra S


Start over: Elective surgery during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic. Recommendations from the Colombian Association of Surgery
Barrios A, Prieto R, Torregrosa L, Álvarez C, Hernández JD, González LG, Valencia A, etal

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Revista de Cirugía Contents Volumen 35 Nº 2, Medicina