Medicina del Deporte: Libros & Revistas, Volumen 06, Número 1

Asociación Colombiana de Medicina del Deporte De Colombia

Toda la Información de las Ultimas Publicaciones

Medicine & Science in Sport & ExerciseÒ
Volume 31, Number 5
May 1999-07-10 Table of Contents.

Clinical Sciences

Clinical Investigations
Validation of the PASE in older adults with knee pain and physical disability.
Kathleen A. Martin, W. Jack Rejeski, Michael E. Miller Margaret K James, Walter Jr., and Steven P. Messier.


Clinically Relevant

The effect of Tai Chi on cardiorespiratory function in patients with coronary artery bypass surger Ching Lan, Ssu-Yuan Chen, Jin-Shin Lai, and May-Kuen Wong.

Effects of erythropoietin administration in training athletes and possible indirect delection in doping control. Michel Audran, Raynald Gareau, Stephane Matecki, Fabienne Durand, Claire Chenard, Marie-Therese Sicart, Benedicte Marion, and Francoise Bressole.

Changes in bone mineral content with decrease training in competitive young adult tennis players and controls; a prospective 4-yr follow-up Saija Kontulainen, Pekka Kannus, Heidi Haapasalo, Ari Heinonen, Harri Sievanen, Pekka Oj, and Ilkka Vouri.


Ulnar variance and skeletal maturity of radius and ulna in females gymnasts.

Gaston beunen. Robert M. Malina, Albrecht L.. Claessens, Johan Lefevre, and Martine Thomis.

Basic Sciences

Original Investigations


Degree of arterial desaturation in normaxia influences V(dot) 02max decline in mild hypoxia.

Robert F. Champman, Michael Emery, and Joel M Stager.

Temporal effects of testosterone propionate injections on serum lipoprotein concentrations in rats.

Frank Frisch and Ken D. Sumida.

Plasma lactate decline during passive recovery from high-intensity exercise.

Tanja Oosthuyse and Roderick N. Carter.

Intermittent running: muscle metabolism in the heat and effect of hupodydration.

Neil S. Maxwell, Faith Gardner, and Myra A. Minno.

Exercise cardiac fuction in yuong through elderly endurance trained women.

Colleen G. Wiebe, Norman Gledhill, Veronica K, Jamnik, and Steves Ferguson..


Apolipoprotein E. Polymorphism and the relation-ship of physical fitness to plasma lipoprotein-lipid levels in men and women.

Jonny St-Amand, Denis Prud´home Sital Moorjani, Andre Nadeau, Angelo Tremblay, Claude Bouchard, Paul J. Lupien, and Jean-Pierre Despres.

Linkage between a muscle-specific CK gene marker and V(dot)02max in the HERITAGE Family Study.

Miguel A. Rivera, Lois Pérusse, Jean-Aimé Simoneau, jacques Gagnon, France T. Dionne, Arthur S. Leon, James S. Skinner, Jack H. Wilmore, Michael Providence, D. C. Rao, and Claude Bouchard.

Applied Sciences


Prophylactic ankle stabilizers affect ankle joint kinematics during drop landings.

Steven T. McCaw and James F. Carullo.

Foot placement modifies kinematics and kinetics during drop jumping István Kovács. József Tihanyi, Paul Devita, Levente Racz, Jason Barrier, and Tibor Hortobágyi.

Psychobiology and Social Sciences.

Biofeedback and relaxation techniques improve running economy in sub-elite long distance runners.

Sarah Jane Caird, Alexander Duncan McKenzie, and Gordon Grant Sleivert.

Physical Fitness and Performance

Marathons in altitude

Giulio S. Roi, Marino Giacometti, and Serge P. von Suvillard.

Effect of hand paddles on anaerobic energy release during supramaximal swimming.

Futoshi Ogita, Takeharu Onodera, and Izumi Tabata.

Effects of different interval-training programs on cycling time-trial performance.

Nigel K. Stepto, John A. Hawley, Steven C. Dennis, and Will G. Hopkins.

Special Communications


Noninvase estimation of the maximal lactate steady state in trained cyclists.

Thomas C. Swensen, Christopher R. Harnish, Laura Beitman, and Betsy A. Keller.

The accuracy of the Tritrac-R3D accelerometer to estimate energy expenditure.

John M. Jakicic, Carena Winters, Kristen Lagally, Joyce Ho, Robert J. Robertson, and Rena R. Wing.


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Medicina Del Deporte Libros & Revistas Volumen 06 Nº 1