Hey Hey – Dennis Ferrer


A continuación podrás encontrar la letra de la canción con su respectivo video para que no dejes de cantar y disfrutar de la buena música. Dennis Ferrer con su éxito “Hey Hey”.

Just an ordinary day
Till you came around
I had my feet on the ground
So much for that
Just an ordinary day
Till you came around
And now my life’s upside down
Imagine that
And it’s all because i heard you say
And it’s all because i heard you say
And it’s all because i walked your way
I heard you say x8
And I heard you say
Hey hey x8
Oh just right
You got to sit tight
Close your eyes
And let your head go down
Let your feet up off the grown
And let your head go down

Let your feet up off the grown
Just an ordinary day
Till you came around
I had my head straight and sound
They’ve told me that
Just an ordinary day
Till you came around
And now my life is on the bounce
Just like that
And it’s all because i walked your way
And it’s all because i heard you say
And should have know to stay away
But i heard you say
I heard you say x8
And I heard you say
Hey hey x8


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Hey Hey De Dennis Ferrer, Letras Musicales Y Videos